1. Yumei Yuan - Loop (Frontiers)
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Loop is the open research network that increases the discoverability and impact of researchers and their work. Loop enables you to stay up-to-date with the latest discoveries and news, connect with researchers and form new collaborations.
2. Research on the Influence of Short Video Platform on College Students ...
22 nov 2021 · This article is based on the current development of Internet short videos characteristics, analyse the impact of short videos on college students' values and ...
3. SiNiSan Ameliorates the Depression-Like Behavior of Rats ...
This study was designed to detect the effects and molecular mechanism of SNS treatment in rats subjected to maternal separation (MS).
Background: Early adverse life stress is an important dangerous factor in the development of psychiatric disorders, particularly depression. Available clinical antidepressant agents, such as fluoxetine, [a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor ...
4. Risk Factors for Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Children and ...
2 dagen geleden · These insights furnished compelling evidence for the development of public health interventions aimed at mitigating NSSI and stigma in mental ...
Background: Although many original research articles exploring the risk factors of NSSI have been conducted in the past 30 years, a thorough umbrella review has
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5. The Influence of Short Video on College Students' Values from the ...
Some short videos cause positive social energy effect, but a considerable number of short videos advocate entertainment too much, resulting in misinterpretation ...
new media has promoted many short network videos, which are often produced and published by self-media. Short video has won the love of many young people because of the length of time and the amount of information. They like to imitate the popular cultural elements created in short video. These popular elements have a great influence on human values, especially on the values of contemporary college students. Some short videos cause positive social energy effect, but a considerable number of short videos advocate entertainment too much, resulting in misinterpretation of mainstream values and hindering college students from shaping correct values. Relevant institutions should reasonably monitor and control the negative effects caused by short video, so as to carry forward the mainstream values among college students, avoid negative public opinion affecting their observation of society, and finally cause their personality defects.
6. Survey of medical students attitudes toward statistics and analysis of ...
4 nov 2020 · Abstract: Objective To investigate medical students attitudes toward statistics, explore the influencing factors, and to explore the ...
[1] Judi HM, Ashaari NS, Mohamed H, et al. Students profile based on attitude towards statistics[J]. Procedia-Soc Behav Sci, 2011, 18: 266-272. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.05.038.[2] Chowdhury SK. Prior knowledge, sex and students attitude towards statistics: a study on postgraduate education students[J]. Am Educ Res J, 2018, 6(3): 270-276.[3] Mustam AA, Adnan M, Johnny J, et al. Attitude towards statistics among pre-service teachers of institute of teacher education[J]. J Phys:Conf Ser, 2020,1521: 032011. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1521/3/032011.[4] Beurze SM, Donders ART, Zielhuis GA, et al. Statistics anxiety: a barrier for education in research methodology for medical students?[J]. MedSciEduc, 2013, 23(3): 377-384. [5] Freeman JV, Collier S, Staniforth D, et al. Innovations in curriculum design: a multi-disciplinary approach to teaching statistics to undergraduate medical students[J]. BMC Med Educ, 2008, 8: 28. doi:10.1186/1472-6920-8-28.[6] Hanna D, Shevlin M, Dempster M, et al. The structure of the statistics anxiety rating scale: a confirmatory factor analysis using UK psychology students[J]. Pers Individ Differ, 2008, 45(1): 68-74. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2008.02.021.[7] Gal I, Ginsburg L, Schau C, et al. Monitoring attitudes and beliefs in statistics education [M]. Amsterdam, IOS Press, 1997: 37-51. [8] Roberts DM, Saxe JE. Validity of a statistics attitude survey: a follow-up study[J]. Educ Psychol Meas, 1982, 42(3): 907-912. [9] Wise SL. The development and validation of a...
7. Latent Profile Analysis of Mental Health among Chinese University ...
12 okt 2023 · Latent Profile Analysis of Mental Health among Chinese University Students: Evidence for the Dual-Factor Model. by. Yumei Jiang.
The dual-factor model of mental health has garnered substantial support, positing the necessity of encompassing both negative (e.g., psychological problems) and positive (e.g., well-being) indicators in comprehensive evaluations of people’s mental health. Nonetheless, the nature of the profiles and predictors (such as academic emotions) during four years of university life lack clarity, hampering a profound understanding of mental well-being among university students. This research included 135 items designed to assess an array of depression symptoms, negative emotional experiences, life satisfaction, positive emotional experiences, and academic emotions. First, this research affirmed the applicability of the dual-factor model in the context of Chinese university students (N = 2277) with the utilization of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Furthermore, latent profile analysis (LPA) was employed to delineate prevalent constellations of psychological symptoms and subjective well-being within participants. The outcomes unveiled the existence of three distinct clusters: (1) Complete Mental Health, (2) Vulnerable, and (3) Troubled. Third, by employing R3stept on academic emotions and mental health classifications, this study revealed that there were associations between this variable and specific amalgams of psychological symptoms and well-being levels. These findings bear influence on the practice of mental health screening and the identification of individuals necessitating ta...
8. Dr Yumei Yang - Bournemouth University Staff Profile Pages
Good health and well-being. "Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for ... Ye Yuan. Organizational commitment in Public and Private banks in China ...
View the academic profile of Dr Yumei Yang, Principal Academic in HR and Organisational Behaviour at Bournemouth University