Product area - Laser projectors » Z-LASER GmbH (2025)

Product area - Laser projectors » Z-LASER GmbH (1)

Material and time savings thanks to laser projectors from Z-LASER

Industrial laser projectors serve as optical guidance systems. In many manufacturing processes, they allow working without templates by indicating directly on the workpiece how tools have to be positioned or material has to be mounted.
This can be the case, for example, in welding and assembly or in so-called light guide systems. In this way, laser projectors guide employees step-by-step through the assembly process.

The laser projectors from Z-LASER are particularly convincing due to their fast and stable projection with a high repetition rate, so that visual flickering is reduced or at best prevented. The Z-LASER laser projectors are optimized for 2D and 3D applications and offer a highly accurate projection in the sub-millimeter range. The optical angles (80° x 80°) allow the coverage of large working areas.

Z-LASER laser projectors can be combined into multi-projection systems. This enables large and very complex projections (e.g. shipbuilding, wind turbine blades for wind turbines, etc.)

Your advantages:

  • Material and time savings through optimized workflow
  • Higher accuracy and quality in production
  • Immediate visual quality control
  • Increase in production capacity
    View CartDetailsLP-HFD2 The LP-HFD2 is the successor of our proven LP-HFD laser projector. mehr erfahren View CartDetailsZLP1 With its particularly small housing, the ZLP1 is the most compact member of the ZLP family and offers you a cost-effective entry into laser projection. mehr erfahren View CartDetailsZLP2 The ZLP2 is a proven and powerful model of the ZLP family and impresses with beam quality and accuracy. mehr erfahren View CartDetailsZLP2-HighPower Unmatched brightness and impressive robustness: For laser projections under demanding conditions. For example, in high halls and under difficult lighting conditions. mehr erfahren

Control laser projectors quickly and easily – via GUI or SDK

Also for the control of the laser projectors, importance was attached to a simple and as direct as possible communication between laser projector and environment. With the Z-LASER software package ZLP Suite, the ZLP projectors can be easily operated and directly used via the GUI (Graphical User Interface). The integrated programming interface (API) supports a fast connection to existing customer applications.

Product area - Laser projectors » Z-LASER GmbH (6)

Laser projectors usually bring people and computers together. When used in worker guidance or in worker assistance systems, for example, the Z-LASER laser projector shows the worker in a flash where a screw has to be placed, where he has to remove suitable material or where a welding seam has to be placed. Thanks to optical work instructions, workers are guided through the production process in a targeted and effective manner; production processes can be optimized and made as economical as possible.

Examples of applications can be found here:

Product area - Laser projectors » Z-LASER GmbH (7)


Hofmann GmbH in Blaufelden is one of the leading manufacturers in plant and apparatus engineering for the pharmaceutical...

Product area - Laser projectors » Z-LASER GmbH (8)

DESC guidance

Our partner DE Group shows with the DESC worker guidance a complete system for worker guidance for most different application areas...

Product area - Laser projectors » Z-LASER GmbH (9)

Laser projector ZLP1

The ZLP1 in use at Mayer GmbH, Laichingen or SKS Automotive in Mosbach. The Mayer...

Product area - Laser projectors » Z-LASER GmbH (10)

Welding projects

Windmöller & Hölscher increases the reliability of correct execution with a laser projection system from Z-LASER...

Product area - Laser projectors » Z-LASER GmbH (11)

Product Video ZLP1

Product video: The new laser projector ZLP1 by Z-Laser from Freiburg - presented by Manuel Gomez (Sales Manager)...

Product area - Laser projectors » Z-LASER GmbH (12)

Product Video LP-HFD2

FKGroup, from Osio Sotto, Italy, is one of the leading machine manufacturers for the textile industry. Since...

Product area - Laser projectors » Z-LASER GmbH (13)

Laser projector ZLP1

Z-LASER Optoelektronik GmbH is one of the leading manufacturers of laser sources in Germany...

Product area - Laser projectors » Z-LASER GmbH (14)

Nordex & Z-LASER

Optimization of the production process of rotor blades with laser projection systems from Z-LASER. In 2017, one of...

Product area - Laser projectors » Z-LASER GmbH (15)

Rotor blades

The manual laying process of glass fibre mats and prepregs in the manufacture of wind rotors can be carried out with the aid of laser projectors ...

Product area - Laser projectors » Z-LASER GmbH (16)

Composite production

Weight reduction plays a very important role in vehicle construction. For this purpose one uses for more and more...

Product area - Laser projectors » Z-LASER GmbH (17)

Aircraft production

In aircraft manufacturing, lasers are already successfully used for material alignment and tool positioning in assembly .

Product area - Laser projectors » Z-LASER GmbH (18)

Leather Nesting

When cutting patterns made of leather with a cutter, unlike fabrics leather cannot be automatically nested, since leather as a natural material ...

Product area - Laser projectors » Z-LASER GmbH (19)

Nail truss construction

The laser projector creates a laser image from the nail binder construction files in original scale...

Product area - Laser projectors » Z-LASER GmbH (20)

CNC Machining

Today, modern furniture includes vanity tables, kitchen countertops, stairs, etc., made of marble, granite, hard glass, and special plastic materials.

Dr. Roland Fritz


R. Fritz

Manuel Gomez


M. Gomez

Enrico Rosenhayn


E. Rosenhayn

By means of selectable markings, such as geometric figures, letters, numbers or text, the employee is immediately shown where the next work step must take place (e.g. pick-by-light or put-to-light). Numerous information such as location, quantity, article number and name of the articles to be stored can also be specified and displayed by laser light. The exact position data is transmitted via the control software or a decentralised PLC control system. Since the optical signal guidance in tray warehouses – it is usually based on a geometric figure (tray geometry) – is free konfigurierbar, it can be easily modified and redesigned by the user. All laser projectors from Z-LASER were specially manufactured for industrial use and meet the highest demands at attractive prices.

Product area - Laser projectors » Z-LASER GmbH (2025)


Are laser projectors worth it? ›

In conclusion, there are many benefits to using laser projection systems over traditional models. They're faster, more cost-effective and last longer than their counterpart. However, these advantages can only be enjoyed if you're willing to make the switch now!

Can laser projector lamps be replaced? ›

Laser Projectors have no lamp replacement or maintenance costs but still have a lifetime, and when that's up, you need to replace the whole unit. Replacement is required after 20,000 hours or 8 hours a day, five days a week, 50 weeks a year; it will last for ten years.

Are laser projectors as good as TVs? ›

A laser projector has features such as resolution, brightness, image enhancement, technology, and sound that blend well to offer you an immersive viewing experience as no TV can, or if there were one, you would pay an enormous price.

How long do laser projectors last? ›

Laser projectors, characterized by their utilization of laser light sources, stand out as the longevity champions in the projector world. These projectors are renowned for their ability to endure rigorous and continuous use, often boasting laser projector lifespan that extends from 20,000 to 30,000 hours or even more.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Views: 6355

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.