Big Initials Personalised Leather iPhone Case (2024)

Big Initials Personalised Leather iPhone Case (1)

Big Initials Personalised Leather iPhone Case (2)

Big Initials Personalised Leather iPhone Case (3)

Big Initials Personalised Leather iPhone Case (4)

Big Initials Personalised Leather iPhone Case (5)

Rated 4.9 out of 5

258 ReviewsBased on 258 reviews



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'; var htmlcreato = '

  • '; $( ".cases-list .palette" ).append(htmlcreato); }); } function stampaRopes(arr_ropes,default_color_rope){ var ar = arr_ropes; var dc = default_color_rope; //console.log(ac); var html = '

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var default_color_palette_2 = received.cmt_product_info.cmt_settings.default_color_palette_2; var default_rope_color = received.cmt_product_info.cmt_settings.default_rope_color; caricaCoverTypes(received); if (option1 != false){ var arr_colors = []; var var_list = []; //Lista colori $.each(received.colors, function (i, c_list) { Acolors_list.push({ color: c_list.colore, slug_color: c_list.slug_colore, color_code: c_list.codice_colore }); }); //console.log(Acolors_list); //Lista opzioni $.each(received.options, function (key, data) { //console.log(key); var array = []; $.each(data, function (i, options_list) { if(options_list.available != 0){ array[options_list.slug_color] = 1; } else{ array[options_list.slug_color] = 0; } //array[slug_color] //array.push({ // slug_color: options_list.slug_color, // available: options_list.available //}); }); var modelloT = key; all_options_list[key] = array; }); //console.log(all_options_list); showProductColors(Acolors_list, null, all_options_list); $.each(received.cmt_product_info.variants_list, function (i, variants_list) { var_list.push({ id_product: variants_list.id_product, variant_name: variants_list.variant_name, variant_url: variants_list.variant_url, variant_image: variants_list.variant_image }); }); //stampaVarianti(var_list); //Aggiungo le varianti if(product_type == "phone_case_with_rope"){ //Stampo i ropes //Creo l'array var arr_rope_colors = []; $.each(received.cmt_product_info.cmt_settings.rope_colors, function (i, rope_colors) { arr_rope_colors.push({ rope_color_name: rope_colors.rope_color_name, rope_color_slug: rope_colors.rope_color_slug, rope_color_image: rope_colors.rope_color_image, }); }); //Stampo i colori stampaRopes(arr_rope_colors,default_rope_color); //Aggiungo le varianti } if(product_type == "phone_case" || product_type == "keyring" || product_type == "laptop" || product_type == "card_holder" || product_type == "airtag" || product_type == "airpods_case"){ $.each(received.cmt_product_info.cmt_settings.palette, function (i, palette) { arr_colors.push({ color_name: palette.color_name, color_slug: palette.color_slug, code_color_1: palette.code_color_1, code_color_2: palette.code_color_2 }); }); stampaColori(arr_colors,1,default_color_palette); //Aggiungo i colori if(palette_type == 2){ var arr_colors_2 = []; $.each(received.cmt_product_info.cmt_settings.palette_2, function (i, palette_2) { arr_colors_2.push({ color_name: palette_2.color_name, color_slug: palette_2.color_slug, code_color_1: palette_2.code_color_1, code_color_2: palette_2.code_color_2 }); }); stampaColori(arr_colors_2,2,default_color_palette_2); //Aggiungo i colori } } else if (product_type == "phone_case_nc") { $( ".box-personalizzazione" ).hide(); $( ".custom-text-header" ).hide(); } //console.log(var_list); //stampaVarianti(var_list); //Aggiungo le varianti //stampaColori(arr_colors,palette_type,default_color_palette); //Aggiungo i colori //impostazioniConfiguratore(max_char,text_transform); } if (window.clpt != ""){ var testoParm = window.clpt; $("#custom-text").val(testoParm); inserimentoTesto($("#custom-text")); creaProdotto(); } console.log(received); }, error: function (responseData, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.warn(responseData, textStatus, errorThrown); //alert('CORS failed - ' + textStatus); //alert(responseData); } }); } //caricaCoverTypes(); caricaColori(); function creaProdotto(){ //Prendo il testo var text = $("#custom-text").val(); var id_p = window.idProdottoNegozio;var p_m = window.ProductModel; //Prendo il colore selezionato var color = $('.cmt-opzioni-colore .color-n-1 .palette-color .color-option span').attr('class'); var color2 = $('.cmt-opzioni-colore .color-n-2 .palette-color .color-option span').attr('class'); var color_rope = $('.cases-list-ropes .color-ropes .palette-color .color-option span').attr('class');//alert(color_rope); //var color_rope = $('.cmt-opzioni-colore .color-n-2 .palette-color .color-option span').attr('class'); var size = ""; var product_color_name = ""; var product_color = "";//alert(color); if (p_m == "Vegan_Leather_Keyring_Round" || p_m == "Vegan_Leather_Keyring_Oval" || p_m == "Vegan_Leather_Keyring_Heart" || p_m == "Vegan_Leather_Card_Holder" || p_m == "Vegan_Leather_AirTag") { //product_color_name = $('#ProductSelect-option-0 input:checked').val(); //product_color = $('#ProductSelect-option-0 input:checked').val(); //product_color= product_color.replace(/ /g,"_"); //size = $('#Option-template--16648539963622__main-0').find(":selected").text(); size = $('.selectOptionValueoption1').find(":selected").text(); product_color_name = $('#ProductSelect-option-1 input:checked').val(); product_color = $('#ProductSelect-option-1 input:checked').val(); } else{ size = $('.selectOptionValueoption1').find(":selected").text(); product_color_name = $('#ProductSelect-option-1 input:checked').val(); product_color = $('#ProductSelect-option-1 input:checked').val(); //alert(product_color); //product_color = product_color.trim(); //product_color = product_color.replace(/ /g,"_"); //size = size.replace(/ /g,"_"); //Elimino gli spazi } size = size.trim(); //alert(window.VariantsP); var aVariantsP = window.VariantsP; var productSkuS = ""; aVariantsP.forEach(function(e) { if (size == e.title) { //alert(e.sku); productSkuS = e.sku; } }); var product_color_for_sku = product_color.toUpperCase(); productSkuS = productSkuS + "-" + product_color_for_sku; size = size.replace(/ /g,"_"); var rotation = ""; if (window.customizer_sconfig_2 == "singledoublecolor"){ color2 = color; } var urlc = ""; var dataArrayc = {}; if (window.customizer_v == "pf"){ urlc = ""; if (window.customizer_sconfig == "norot"){ rotation = "vertical"; } else{ rotation = $('.cmt-opzioni-position .cmt-position .position-button').text().toLowerCase(); } dataArrayc = {"text": text, "p_size": size, "product_color": product_color, "product_model": p_m, "color": color, "color2" : color2, //"color2" : color2, "id_p": id_p, "r": rotation }; } else{ urlc = ""; dataArrayc = {"cmt_text": text, "product_color": product_color, "product_model": p_m, "cmt_size": size, "color": color, "color2" : color2, "color_rope" : color_rope, "id_p": id_p }; } //alert(productSkuS); //alert("cmt_text" + text + "product_color" + product_color + "product_model" + p_m + "cmt_size" + size + "color" + color + "color2" + color2 + "color_rope" + color_rope + "id_p" + id_p); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: urlc, crossDomain: true, data: dataArrayc, //data:"cmt_text=AF&cmt_tod=3", dataType: 'json', error: function(xhr, status, error) { var err = eval("(" + xhr.responseText + ")"); alert(err.Message); alert(data); }, success: function(responseData, textStatus, jqXHR) { //alert("SUCCESS: " + product_color); //$('#case-colour').val(product_color); var received = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(responseData)); var image = received.cmt.image; $(".primary-image").removeAttr("srcset"); $(".primary-image").attr("src",image); // access Flickity properties //document.getElementById('mini-cart').open = true;var carousel = document.querySelector('flickity-carousel').select(0);//console.log(carousel); //alert(color); //console.log(received); $('#color-1').val(color); $('#color-2').val(color2); $('#case-colour').val(product_color); $('#rope-colour').val(color_rope); $('#choose-color').html(product_color); if (window.customizer_v == "pf"){ $('#text-position').val(rotation); } $('#sku-prod-d').val(productSkuS); //$('#sku-prod-d-VIS').val(productSkuS); //alert(image); var alert_m = received.cmt.alert_message; if (alert_m === null){ $(".alert-variant-message").hide(); } else{ //Stampo messaggio $(".alert-variant-message").html(alert_m); $(".alert-variant-message").show(); } //$('#case-colour').val(color); }, error: function (responseData, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.warn(responseData, textStatus, errorThrown); //alert('CORS failed - ' + textStatus); } }); } function inserimentoTesto(input){ var mxc = max_char; var tt = text_transform; var v = input.val(); var $textplace = $("#custom-text"); if ( (/^[A-Za-z0-9(. )]+$/.test(input.val())) || (/^[A-Za-z0-9(. )]+$/.test(input.val())) ) { if(tt == 'lowercase'){ input.val(input.val().toLowerCase()); } if(tt == 'uppercase'){ input.val(input.val().toUpperCase()); } if(input.val().length >= 1 && input.val().length <= mxc){ $textplace.text(v); }else{ v = v.substring(0, mxc); input.val(v); } }else{ input.val(''); $textplace.text(''); } } $('.selectOptionValueoption1').on('change', function() { size = $('.selectOptionValueoption1').find(":selected").val(); //alert(size); window.ModelloSel = size; //caricaCoverTypes(); caricaColori(false); //Cambia colori disponibili e crea prodotto //showVariants(); showProductColors(Acolors_list, null, all_options_list); $('.ccbycov').css('background-color', 'red'); creaProdotto(); }); $('#SingleOptionSelectorSuggestion-0').on('change', function() { creaProdotto(); }); $('#ProductSelectSuggestion-option').on('change', function() { creaProdotto(); }); function disablebuybtn(){ $('#dn-AddToCart button').hide(); //alert("DISABILTO BTN"); $('#btnkyNotify').show(); } $('#ProductSelect-option-1').on('change', function() { var product_color = $('#ProductSelect-option-1 input:checked').val(); var hexColor = getCCCov(product_color); $(".ccbycov").css("background-color",hexColor); var id_element_checked = $('#ProductSelect-option-1 input:checked').attr('id'); var getClassChecked = $('#'+id_element_checked + '-label').attr('class'); //alert(getClassChecked); if (getClassChecked == 'radio-button-disable'){ //NON È DISPONIBILE //alert("NON DISPONIBILE"); disablebuybtn(); } else{ $('#dn-AddToCart button').show(); $('#btnkyNotify').hide(); } //alert(isSoldout); creaProdotto(); }); $('#Option-template--16648539963622__main-0').on('change', function() { //showProductColors(); //DA VERIFICARE O TOGLIERE creaProdotto(); }); /* $('.color-n-1 .palette-color').on('click', 'li', function() { $('.color-n-1 .palette-color').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); alert("click"); setTimeout(creaProdotto, 500); //Delay 1s per la funzione });*/ $('.color-n-1').on('click', '.palette-color li', function(){ var color = $(this).find('.color-option span').attr('class'); var color2 = $('.color-n-2 .palette-color .color-option span').attr('class'); if (color != color2){ $('.color-n-1 .palette-color').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); //alert("Prova"); setTimeout(creaProdotto, 500); //Delay 1s per la funzione } }); function getCCCov(colore){ var hexColore = ""; var txtColore = ""; switch(colore) { case "rose": return "#ffc3b6"; break; case "black": return "#000000"; break; case "red": return "#df3137"; break; case "lilac": return "#dccef9"; break; case "fuchsia": return "#df4f74"; break; case "green": return "#2a6340"; break; case "lightgreen": return "#73dc41"; break; case "brown": return "#ad7047"; break; case "navy": return "#272d45"; break; case "beige": return "#ebc1a3"; break; case "yellow": return "#fff111"; break; case "orange": return "#ff9600"; break; case "pink": return "#ffc2d1"; break; case "clear": return "#f1f2f3"; break; case "white": return "#f1f2f3"; break; default: return "undefined"; } } $('.color-n-2').on('click', '.palette-color li', function(){ var color = $('.color-n-1 .palette-color .color-option span').attr('class'); var color2 = $(this).find('.color-option span').attr('class'); if (color != color2){ $('.color-n-2 .palette-color').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); //alert("Prova"); setTimeout(creaProdotto, 500); //Delay 1s per la funzione } }); $('.color-ropes').on('click', '.palette-color li', function(){ var colorr = $('.color-ropes .palette-color .color-option span').attr('class'); $('.color-ropes .palette-color').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); //alert("Prova"); setTimeout(creaProdotto, 500); //Delay 1s per la funzione }); /* $('#custom-text').keyup(delay(function (e) { inserimentoTesto($(this)); creaProdotto(); }, 500));*/ //$('#custom-text').on('keyup change', function(e){ //inserimentoTesto($(this)); //setTimeout(creaProdotto, 1000); //Delay 1s per la funzione //}); //$('#custom-text').on('keyup change', function(e){ $('#custom-text').on('keyup', function(e){ //alert("LANCIO"); inserimentoTesto($(this)); var cVI = $('#custom-text').val(); window.clpt = cVI; $('.urlCoverTypes').each(function(i, obj) { var stringUrl = $(this).attr("href"); //alert(stringUrl); var newUrl = stringUrl.split('&clpt=')[0]; newUrl = newUrl + "&clpt=" + cVI; //alert(newUrl); $(this).attr("href", newUrl); }); //setTimeout(creaProdotto, 1000); //Delay 1s per la funzione creaProdotto(); }); $('#custom-text').on('paste', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }); $('.cmt-position').on('click', '.position-button li', function(){ var rotation = $(this).text(); $('.cmt-position .position-button').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); setTimeout(creaProdotto, 500); //Delay 1s per la funzione }); // Controllo se il prodotto ha un modello selezionato if($(".single-option-selector option:selected").index() == 0) { $('.product-form__cart-submit').prop('disabled',true); } //alert($(".single-option-selector option:selected").index()); $('.single-option-selector').on('change', function (e) { if($(".single-option-selector option:selected").index() > 0){ $('.product-form__cart-submit').prop('disabled', false); } else{ $('.product-form__cart-submit').prop('disabled', true); } }); });

    Due to overwhelming demand, we are experiencing delays with dispatching orders. It may take up to 15 working days for your order to get to you.

    Explore our "Name, Letters & Initials" category of iPhone cases, where each case is a blank canvas ready to be personalized. Each case is an opportunity to express your uniqueness and style in a unique way.

    Choose to display your full name, initials, or a special word that inspires you - these "Big Initials" cases are not just accessories, but authentic expressions of yourself.

    Thanks to Coverlab, your smartphone will be more beautiful with an individual and stylish case.

  • Our case is made of elegant and trendy textured Vegan leather and it is lined with a microfiber suede interior.
  • The peripheral edges are raised to improve protection from drops and screen damage.
  • All corners of the smartphone and the three sides are completely covered. Access to all ports with easy press buttons.
  • Compatible with wireless chargers.
  • Our personalization is done individually on each item which is unique and therefore may have slight imperfections.

    To keep your item clean use a damp cloth and keep it away from chemicals, perfumes and oils as contact with these materials and/or excessive rubbing against other surfaces may cause your product to be damaged or affect the color of the personalisation.

    Big Initials Personalised Leather iPhone Case (2024)
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    Article information

    Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6437

    Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

    Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

    Birthday: 1999-05-27

    Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

    Phone: +2585395768220

    Job: Lead Liaison

    Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

    Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.